Saturday, 29/06/2024,

Bac Giang’s press briefing in the first 6 months of 2024

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On the afternoon of June 12, the Propaganda Board of the Provincial Party Committee coordinated with the Department of Information and Communications and the Provincial Journalists Association to organize a conference and press meeting for the first 6 months of 2024. Head The Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Board Nguyen Viet Oanh attended and directed the conference.

Also attending were representatives of the Department of Information and Communications, Provincial Journalists Association, Provincial Party Committee Office, Bac Giang Newspaper, Provincial Radio and Television Station; Song Thuong Magazine; Central press agencies stationed in the province and reporters monitoring the province.

Overview of the conference.

According to the report of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Board, in the first 6 months of 2024, press agencies closely followed the leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee, and the orientation of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Board; actively and proactively propagated effectively and comprehensively the political, economic, cultural and social tasks of the province and localities, agencies and units. Propaganda content ensured correct political orientation, principles and goals, creating a strong spillover effect; making an important contribution to the leadership of local socio-economic development. State management of the press continued to be strengthened.

Representative of Vietnam Communist Party Electronic Newspaper discusses at the conference.

Speaking at the conference, representatives of press agencies said that in recent times, provincial leaders, departments, sectors and localities had all paid attention and created favorable conditions for the press to operate. Press agencies had actively propagated the province's socio-economic development in the first 6 months of the year, notably attracting investment, labor, employment, and production and business activities in industrial zones and clusters, promoting agricultural product consumption, etc. creating an exciting atmosphere, peace of mind in productive labor, increasing income, and improving people's lives. Journalists requested that in the coming time, departments, sectors and localities of the province continue to closely coordinate, proactively and actively provide information, creating conditions for journalists and reporters to well complete their tasks.

Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Board Nguyen Viet Oanh concludes the conference.

Concluding the conference, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Board Nguyen Viet Oanh highly appreciated the contributions of the press agencies. Despite many difficulties, the press always accompanied Bac Giang to overcome challenges and continue to reap many achievements. In the coming time, he requested the provincial and central press agencies to promote propaganda on the work of building the Party, government, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations; preparation for Party congresses at all levels.

Deeply propagate the situation and results of implementing socio-economic development tasks; the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels; the elimination of temporary and dilapidated houses for poor and near-poor households and support for families of people with meritorious services; removal of difficulties for businesses and people to develop production and business. Propagate good people and good deeds, typical examples, especially grassroots officials and ordinary people with meaningful actions and jobs.

Enhance reflection on the propaganda contest on building the Party and the political system in the province with the "Bac Giang beliefs and aspirations" theme associated with fighting and refuting bad information, wrong views, and distortions. Promote the power of the press and exploit the advantages of social networking platforms to reach people, helping people raise their spirit of vigilance, especially preventing and combating fraud in cyberspace./.