Saturday, 29/06/2024,

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung visits some typical agricultural production models in Luc Ngan district

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Within the framework of the working program in Bac Giang province, on the afternoon of June 11, the delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development led by Deputy Minister Hoang Trung visited a number of typical agricultural production models in Luc Ngan district. Accompanying were representatives of leaders of Departments, Bureaus and units under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; leaders of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Bac Giang province; leaders of People's Committee of Luc Ngan district.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung and delegates visit the lychee garden of Mrs. Diep Thi Senh's family.

The delegation visited the organic lychee growing model of Mrs. Diep Thi Senh's family (Trai village, Phuong Son commune) and the organic sweet orange production model of Mr. Le Thanh Dinh's family (Thong village, Tru Huu commune).

Talking to the working delegation, Chairman of People's Committee of Luc Ngan district La Van Nam said that in recent years, Luc Ngan district had actively implemented the project to restructure the agricultural sector and achieved many results. In particular, the district had developed a variety of fruit trees with high economic value. In addition to lychee, the main crop, the district had actively transformed the crop structure, taking advantage of its strengths and developing the citrus fruits and some new crops such as grape, avocado, custard apple, plums, black canarium, etc. After conversion, it showed compatibility with local natural conditions and create products of good quality, high economic efficiency, while combining exploitation to develop agricultural experience tourism.

From experience in cutting lychees and applying proper care techniques, Mrs. Diep Thi Senh's family's organic lychee garden has a good harvest this year.

At the visited places, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung highly appreciated the dynamism, creativity, and experience in plant care of gardeners in Luc Ngan district. These models were all produced organically, applying scientific and technical advances, ensuring safety in pest prevention, contributing to improving crop quality and value. Besides, with the experience of professional pruning, grafting and root staking, along with reasonable crop rotation for the area of ​​fruit trees and the area of ​​fruit trees having not yet produced fruit, it created conditions for trees and soil to have time to rest and regenerate nutrients for the next growth period. This was a creative way of farmers in Luc Ngan district to be replicated.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung and delegates visit the organic sweet orange production model of Mr. Le Thanh Dinh's family.

According to Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Hoang Trung, in order to develop large fruit tree areas associated with restructuring the agricultural sector, the agricultural sector of Bac Giang province needed to continue to focus on replicating effective production models according to commodity oriented, applying high technology, creating safe products, enhancing value, and sustainable economic efficiency. In addition, localities needed to focus on linkages in agricultural production; providing crop care services, preservation and packaging services for agricultural products; strengthening trade promotion, brand introduction, finding stable consumption markets and increasing the value of the province's agricultural products.

The organic sweet orange production model of Mr. Le Thanh Dinh's family has an area of ​​about 17,600 m². Currently, his family has about 100 trees, each year the trees yield about 2-3 quintals of fruit.