Saturday, 29/06/2024,

Hiep Hoa received the ATK II Special National Monument Ranking Certificate; National Monument, Uncle Ho's memorial point to visit; new-style rural areas and First-Class Labor Medal

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On the evening of May 27, at the Central Square of Hiep Hoa district, the People's Committee of Bac Giang province held a ceremony to announce and receive the ATK II Special National Monument Ranking Certificate; National relic Monument Uncle Ho's visit to Cam Xuyen hamlet, Xuan Cam commune; Hiep Hoa district achieved new rural standards and the First-class Labor Medal.
Under the authorization of the State President, Nguyen Hoa Binh - Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court awarded the First-Class Labor Medal to the Party Committee, government and people of Hiep Hoa district.

Attending the ceremony, on the Central side, there were comrades: Nguyen Hoa Binh - Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court; Nguyen Thien Nhan - former Politburo member, former Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee; Nguyen Thi Thuy Ngan - Vice Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly, a member of the National Assembly of Bac Giang province; Hoang Dao Cuong - Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism; representatives of a number of central ministries and branches; representatives of provincial leaders: Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen and some districts bordering Hiep Hoa.

On the side of Bac Giang province, there were comrades: Duong Van Thai - Member of the Central Committee of the Party, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly; Le Thi Thu Hong - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Le Anh Duong - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Lam Thi Huong Thanh - Standing Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Council; Mai Son - Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Nguyen Thanh Quat, Revolutionary Elder, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Secretary of the Ha Bac Provincial Party Committee, former Secretary of the Hiep Hoa District Party Committee due to health conditions did not attend, sent a flower basket.

Also attending were former members of the Party Central Committee, former leaders of the province through periods; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee; representatives of departments, divisions and branches of the province, districts and cities; Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, Labor Heroes and many children of Hiep Hoa district are living, studying and working inside and outside the district.

Under the authorization of the Prime Minister, Comrade Nguyen Hoa Binh - Secretary of the Party Central Committee, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court awarded the ATK II Special National Monument Ranking Certificate to Hiep Hoa district.

In his opening speech at the ceremony, Comrade Le Anh Duong - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed that, like many other rural areas of Bac Giang province, Hiep Hoa people have a long historical and cultural tradition and passionate patriotism, indomitable resistance to foreign invaders. Since the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the People of Hiep Hoa wholeheartedly followed the Party to make revolution; Many patriotic youths of the district were not afraid of sacrifices and hardships to find the revolutionary light of the Party.

Also on the revolutionary land of Hiep Hoa, right after the 1954 Dien Bien Phu victory, a special historical event took place on February 8, 1955, Cam Xuyen hamlet, Xuan Cam commune had the honor to welcome Uncle Ho. to visit, attend and speak at the Second Land Reform Review Conference. Although his visit was short, it left deep feelings and impressions in the hearts of the people of Hiep Hoa district in particular and the people of Bac Giang province in general.

The tradition of the revolutionary ATK land, proud to welcome Uncle Ho to visit has become a great spiritual motivation for the Party Committee, government and people of Hiep Hoa to constantly strive to rise up and successfully complete the tasks in the during the resistance war as well as in the cause of national construction and defense.

In recent years, along with promoting Party building, socio-economic development, the Party committees, authorities and people of Hiep Hoa district over the years have paid great attention to protecting, and preserving historical sites... During the renewal period of the country, the precious revolutionary heroic tradition of the Hiep Hoa people continued to be promoted, becoming a great resource contributing to the development of the district. Hiep Hoa Party Committee, government and people have united, strived to overcome all difficulties and challenges, fulfilled and exceeded the goals set out by the Resolution of the Party Congress.

Under the authorization of the Prime Minister, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Duong Van Thai handed over the decision on recognition
Hiep Hoa district meets new rural standards for district leaders.

The socio-economic development of Hiep Hoa is increasingly comprehensive, in which the bright spot is the movement to build new rural areas. Being the first district to deploy a new set of rural and rural criteria according to the motto "From the field to the house, from the house to the village, from the village to the commune", taking the village as the driving force to build the new rural commune, whatever the village can do, they give autonomy and self-governance for the village to do. From the effective model of Hiep Hoa district, Bac Giang Provincial People's Committee has issued a set of criteria for new-style rural areas to be deployed in villages throughout the province. In particular, in the construction of new rural areas, Hiep Hoa has paid attention to the preservation and promotion of cultural values ​​as a premise for the development of cultural and historical tourism in the district in association with the promotion and introduction of typical local agricultural products and cuisine.

Bac Giang province is on the path of renewal and strong development, the image and position of the province is increasingly affirmed. Bac Giang province planning period 2021-2030, vision to 2050 is the first provincial plan approved by the Prime Minister, opening up new opportunities and opportunities for us to break through and rise. In the planning, Hiep Hoa district is identified as one of four districts and cities in the key economic region that plays a driving role in leading the development of the province.

Mr. Nguyen Hoa Binh - Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court congratulatory speech for Hiep Hoa district.

Speaking here, on behalf of the Party and State leaders, Comrade Nguyen Hoa Binh - Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court congratulated and praised the achievements, results that the Party Committee, administration and people of Hiep Hoa district have strived for and achieved in recent years.

To preserve, preserve and promote the good cultural and historical values ​​of the special sites of ATK II and Uncle Ho's relics to visit Cam Xuyen, Xuan Cam commune; promoting the tradition of civilization, revolution, heroism as well as achievements, in the coming time, he suggested that the Party Committee, government and people of Hiep Hoa district continue to thoroughly grasp and implement the victory over the Resolution of the Party Congress at all levels and the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress; focus on building the Party and a clean and strong political system, improve the leadership capacity and combat strength of the Party organization, and be effective in the direction and administration of the authorities at all levels; promote the role of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, in association with promoting the study and following of Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style.

Promote administrative reform, improve the favorable business and investment environment; improve competitiveness, promote digital transformation, build digital government, digital economy, digital society, and civilized city; interested in building a contingent of cadres and party members. Continue to lead comprehensively in socio-economic development tasks and socio-cultural fields.

With the tradition of revolutionary and heroic civilization and achievements over the years, he believed that the Party Committee, government and people of Hiep Hoa district would continue to unite, overcome difficulties, promote advantages, proactively seize development opportunities, strive to build Hiep Hoa district to become a grade IV city by 2025, worthy of the center and driving force of western development of Bac Giang province.

Mrs. Le Thi Thu Hong - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to the collectives has excellent achievements in new rural construction.

On this occasion, authorized by the State President, Comrade Nguyen Hoa Binh - Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court presented the Labor Medal, first class from the President and by ranking ATK II Special National Monument of the Prime Minister for the Party Committee, Government and People of Hiep Hoa district.

Mr. Hoang Dao Cuong - Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism awarded the Certificate of National Relic rating of Uncle Ho's souvenir spot to visit Cam Xuyen hamlet, Xuan Cam commune. Comrade Duong Van Thai - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Bac Giang province, presented the Decision on recognition of Hiep Hoa district as meeting the standards of rural development for Hiep Hoa district.

Comrade Le Anh Duong - Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to 10 individuals achieved excellent achievements in new rural construction.

On this occasion, comrade Le Thi Thu Hong - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Le Anh Duong - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to 10 collectives and 10 individuals with outstanding achievements in the Bac Giang emulation movement, working together to build a new rural area, made many contributions to building Hiep Hoa district to meet new rural standards./.