Monday, 24/06/2024,

Online trade conference on lychee consumption in 2024 in Bac Giang

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On the morning of May 8, the Department of Industry and Trade coordinated with the Asia-Africa Market Department, Trade Promotion Department, and Import-Export Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade) to organize an online trade conference with the Department of Trade and authorities of Yunnan province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China on lychee consumption in 2024. The conference took place at the main point at the headquarters of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province and 4 points in China.

Attending at the Bac Giang province bridge site were Mr. Wu Guoquan - Minister Counselor, Chinese Embassy in Vietnam; Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan The Tuan and representative leaders of a number of departments, sectors, districts and businesses of the province.

Conference at the point in Bac Giang province.

The quality of lychee is rated the highest ever

At the conference, delegates heard Director of the Department of Industry and Trade Tran Quang Tan introduce the lychee crop; propose contents to remove difficulties in lychee consumption in 2024. Accordingly, Bac Giang province was currently maintaining and strictly controlling 223 area codes for lychee growing for export, with an area of ​​about 17,198 hectares; Of which, the Chinese market had 130 growing area codes, an area of ​​16,217 hectares. There were 39 establishments packaging fresh lychees for export being qualified according to the regulations of China. In terms of quality, lychees in 2024 were considered to have the highest quality ever. The output forecast for 2024 was 100,000 tons (of which, early lychee output was about 50,000 tons, main season lychee output was 50,000 tons). Regarding the market, Bac Giang lychees had now reached markets in over 30 countries, the Chinese market was identified as a traditional market, with many years of cooperation. The total output of lychees expected to be exported was about 70,000 tons (accounting for 70%).

Director of the Department of Industry and Trade Tran Quang Tan promotes lychee crop; proposes to remove difficulties in lychee consumption by 2024.

Currently, all levels, sectors and localities in the province were proactive and ready to prepare conditions and commit to creating the most favorable conditions to support domestic and foreign lychee growers, businesses and traders in harvesting, consumption, export, etc. However, there were still some difficulties such as high logistics costs; congestion at Tan Thanh International Border Gate (Lang Son province) and Kim Thanh (Lao Cai province) border gates; limited processed lychee output; the development of lychee areas associated with tourism not commensurating with the potential and advantages of the largest lychee area in the country, etc.

On this occasion, he requested Chinese authorities to support the organization of many activities to enhance cooperation in economics and trade; create conditions and share information on new regulations and policies on import and export in general and agricultural products in particular. Encourage and create favorable conditions for traders and businesses to survey, purchase, consume, and export lychees. Strengthen coordination of border gate opening and closing times and customs clearance of goods. At the same time, it was recommended that departments under the Ministry of Industry and Trade continue to pay attention and connect Chinese traders and businesses operating in import and export of agricultural products to Bac Giang to survey, purchase and consume lychees; support the promotion and information of Bac Giang lychees to a large number of Chinese consumers.

Delegates from several points present speeches.

Speaking at the conference, representatives of several Chinese agencies all evaluated the quality of lychees in Bac Giang province. At the same time, they affirmed that over the past years, Bac Giang and Chinese businesses and partners had coordinated and connected to bring lychee to consumers and become popular. The delegates emphasized that in the coming time, the two sides would continue to coordinate to create the most favorable conditions for this year's lychee crop.

Continue to cooperate in bringing Bac Giang lychees to the Chinese market in a timely and convenient manner

Mr. Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam Wu Guoquan speaks at the conference.

Speaking here, Mr. Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam Wu Guoquan said that lychee was one of the tropical fruits favored by Chinese consumers. That result was due not only to the efforts of lychee growers but also to the Bac Giang government's attention to providing quality lychee products and ensuring food safety. The Chinese Embassy in Vietnam was willing to continue to cooperate closely with Bac Giang province, Vietnamese departments, sectors and agencies to bring Bac Giang lychees to the Chinese market in a timely and convenient manner.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan The Tuan speaks at the conference.

Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Phan The Tuan said that on the basis of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and China, Bac Giang province had built a plan for international economic integration, a plan for import and export until 2025, vision to 2030. In particular, the province would pay special attention to the Chinese market, which had always been identified as a large, traditional market and a reliable partner, especially in the consumption and export of agricultural products and lychees. Opinions presented and discussed at the conference would remove difficulties and obstacles, helping Bac Giang lychees to be consumed and exported smoothly.

Immediately after the conference, the People's Committee of Bac Giang province would direct departments, sectors and localities to concretize and drastically implement each group of issues such as: highly focus on production, improve the quality of lychees; implement synchronous solutions to support lychee export; resolve difficulties and problems of traders and businesses in purchasing, consuming, and exporting lychees, etc. At the same time, the Provincial People's Committee assigned the Department of Industry and Trade to be the focal agency to receive recommendations and contributions of traders and businesses in purchasing and exporting lychee; assigned the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the People's Committees of districts: Luc Ngan, Tan Yen, Luc Nam to continue to strictly manage the growing area code and packaging facility code in the locality; fully prepare activities to support lychee harvest, overcome all problems of previous years, ensuring the best conditions for the 2024 crop.

He informed that the 2024 lychee crop in Bac Giang province was about to enter harvest, this year's lychee output in the province was about 100,000 tons, the expected harvest time was from May 20 to July 30, 2024. Currently, the province had carefully prepared conditions to ensure safety, security and order for all domestic and foreign traders and businesses coming to Bac Giang. At the same time, the province concentrated available resources (credit capital, ice, foam boxes, means of transport, etc.) to be ready to meet the conditions required by lychee consuming partners. He wished that the Minister Counselor, Chinese Embassy in Vietnam, Chinese authorities would continue to pay attention to support and help Bac Giang province according to the proposals of the Director of the Department of Industry and Trade stated in the Business Address. Representatives of departments and departments of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Vietnam Trade Office Branch in China would continue to pay attention and support Bac Giang province to promote socio-economic development in general; consume and export agricultural products, lychee in particular.