Saturday, 29/06/2024,

Strengthen planning and construction order management

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To strengthen the management, prevention, remediation and timely handling of violations of planning and construction order in the province, the Department of Construction requests the Provincial Management Board of Industrial Zones and People's Committees of districts, district-level town and the city strengthen planning and construction order management.
Strengthen planning and construction order management. Illustrative photo.

Accordingly, regularly carry out propaganda and guidance on construction regulations, planning and documents on planning management, granting construction permits, and managing construction order to raise awareness and law observance of people, organizations, businesses and entities participating in construction activities in the area.

Highlight the roles and responsibilities of heads of localities and units in the management of construction order to implement construction plans, create space for landscape architecture, urban and rural environment lasting; limit losses arising from construction order violations, thereby regularly paying attention, focusing on leading and directing the implementation of regulations on construction order management in assigned areas manage.

Issue housing construction licenses to people to ensure compliance with housing design models and architectural management regulations. Direct specialized agencies and commune-level People's Committees to regularly inspect and supervise people's construction of houses in urban and residential areas to ensure compliance with issued housing model designs, urban designs, detailed plans and construction permits to promptly detect violations, handle or recommend strict handling of violations according to regulations.

Strengthen inspection of responsibilities of agencies and units assigned to manage planning, inspect construction order at district level and commune-level People's Committees in managing construction order in assigned management areas. Resolutely handle the responsibility of individuals and organizations that allow violations to occur without detecting or promptly recommending handling. Chairpersons of the People's Committee of districts, the district-level town and the city are responsible before the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and the provisions of law if new arising or no measures are taken to completely handle construction order violations under the local jurisdiction.