Saturday, 29/06/2024,

Strengthen prevention and fight against crimes and violations of law related to soccer betting

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Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province has just issued Official Dispatch No. 3103/UBND-NC on strengthening the prevention and fight against crimes and violations of law related to soccer betting.
Absolutely not participate in gambling, especially soccer betting on the occasion of the European football championship (EURO 2024) and the 2024 South American football championship (COPA AMERICA 2024).

Accordingly, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested departments and agencies under the Provincial People's Committee to thoroughly organize, propagate and drastically direct so that cadres, civil servants, public employees, students, and workers absolutely would not participate in gambling, especially football betting on the occasion of the European football championship (EURO 2024) and the South American football championship in 2024 (COPA AMERICA 2024).

Department of Information and Communications would strengthen propaganda about the consequences of gambling and soccer betting so that people could raise awareness and not participate in gambling activities, especially soccer betting via internet. Closely coordinate with the Police force to prevent gambling and soccer betting websites and carry out professional work to proactively detect and fight soccer betting venues and lines.

The Provincial Police would continue to well perform the work of advising Party Committees and authorities at all levels to direct and mobilize departments, sectors, unions, and socio-political organizations to strengthen state management measures. Promote propaganda and mobilize people to actively participate in preventing, detecting and denouncing crimes in general and football betting crimes in particular to the police force for strict handling according to the provisions of the law.

Direct forces to synchronously deploy police work measures to firmly grasp the situation in areas and complex gambling venues. Regularly review cyberspace, promptly detect and fight against gambling lines and organizations; online gambling and soccer betting activities via the Internet and social networks. Promote the fight against crimes related to gambling activities such as "black credit", fraud, robbery, robbery, property theft, etc.

Coordinate with banks and telecommunications carriers to strengthen measures to strictly manage account opening, payments, illegal money and foreign currency transfers abroad related to soccer betting activities. At the same time, review and fix loopholes in the management of the Internet, telecommunications, social networks and advertising to prevent criminals from gambling and soccer betting from taking advantage of their activities.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Provincial People's Court and the Provincial People's Procuracy to closely lead and direct the proceedings-conducting agencies at 02 levels to speed up the progress of verification, document collection, and evidence evaluation. Urgently prosecute and investigate discovered cases; receive, focus on expanding investigations, and strictly handle a number of masterminds, organizers, and superiors managing and operating teams and lines organizing gambling and soccer betting.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city would direct functional departments and divisions, in which the Police force would be the core to grasp the situation, strongly suppress and strictly handle crimes related to football betting in the area; mobilize the combined strength of the political system in prevention, struggle, propaganda, and mobilization of the People to actively participate in the "All people protect national security" movement, manage and educate people in families not to participate in gambling or football betting activities during the European football championship (EURO 2024) and the South American football championship in 2024 (COPA AMERICA 2024).