Friday, 28/06/2024,

Strengthen traffic safety, labor safety, and environmental sanitation in construction investment projects

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Department of Transport has just issued an Official Dispatch on strengthening quality management, progress, ensuring traffic safety, labor safety, and environmental sanitation in construction investment projects to build transport infrastructure in the province.
Strengthen quality management and progress of construction investment projects.

To strengthen and improve the effectiveness of quality management, progress, ensuring traffic safety, labor safety, and environmental sanitation of traffic construction projects, the Department of Transport requests investors, Project Management Boards and entities participating in traffic construction investment activities in the province to regularly update and strictly implement the provisions of law and guiding documents of the Central and the province on construction investment. Fully implement the rights, obligations and responsibilities of investors in accordance with the provisions of law throughout the implementation process of construction investment projects, ensuring quality, progress, traffic safety, labor safety, and environmental sanitation.

Strengthen project quality management at all stages, from survey, design, verification, appraisal, construction and acceptance, warranty and maintenance of construction works. Take full responsibility before the law for the implementation of investors’ tasks and authority throughout the project implementation process.

Review, consolidate and perfect the organizational structure and personnel, ensuring streamlining, professionalism, effective and efficient operations, and ensuring full capacity conditions to participate in construction activities according to regulations under the law. Identify and clearly define tasks, powers, and responsibilities between departments and individuals in performing tasks to ensure uniformity.

Strengthen strict management of all activities of organizations and individuals participating in project implementation throughout the project implementation process. Ensure full capacity conditions to participate in construction activities according to regulations, comply with contract provisions and relevant legal regulations. Organize a review of the entire quality management, progress, traffic safety, labor safety, and environmental sanitation of each subject, each stage, each step to consolidate and take measures to correct, prevent, stop and promptly handle existing problems and inadequacies.

Strengthen inspection and urge entities to implement measures to improve construction quality, ensure traffic safety, labor safety, and environmental sanitation during the design and construction process in accordance with approved regulations, standards and construction methods and comply with the project's design documents, technical instructions and regulations; promptly adjust and supplement when necessary and strictly handle violating organizations and individuals.

Construction supervision divisions under investors, the Project Management Boards or construction supervision consulting contractors must fully exercise the rights and responsibilities of construction supervision according to the provisions of the contract and law; be responsible before the law and investors for the assigned work.