Saturday, 29/06/2024,

Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong attends inauguration and handover of Great Solidarity House for poor households in Phong Minh commune, Luc Ngan district

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On the afternoon of June 12, the Department of Transport coordinated with Phong Minh commune to organize the inauguration and handover of the Great Solidarity House to poor households in Phong Minh commune, Luc Ngan district.
Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong and Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee Tran Cong Thang present gifts to congratulate Mr. Cao Van Son's family.

Attending the inauguration and handing over of the house were Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Steering Committee to mobilize and support the construction and eradication of temporary and dilapidated houses for Poor households, near-poor households and support for families of people with meritorious services having housing difficulties and degraded houses to be repaired or newly built in Bac Giang province (Provincial SC 714) Le Anh Duong; Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, Deputy Head of the Provincial SC 714 Tran Cong Thang and leader of Luc Ngan district.

Director of the Department of Transport Nguyen Thanh Tung speaks at the program.

Speaking here, Director of the Department of Transport Nguyen Thanh Tung said that Mr. Cao Van Son's family was a poor household in Phong Minh commune. The couple and 3 children lived in a temporary house with an area of ​​about 35 square meters. The house was built a long time ago and had been seriously degraded, the earthen walls tilted and cracked and leaked in the rainy season. In the winter, it was cold and unsafe.

Responding to the launching ceremony of the Provincial Party Committee - People's Council - People's Committee - Fatherland Front Committee of the province to eliminate 100% of temporary and dilapidated houses for poor and near-poor households and support families of meritorious people facing housing difficulties in the province 2024, with the desire to contribute and support with the locality, help households in difficult circumstances stabilize their lives and escape poverty, the Transport sector had mobilized and supported Mr. Cao Van Son's family, Phong Minh commune, Luc Ngan district with a Great Solidarity house.

Leaders of the Department of Transport present the house to Mr. Cao Van Son's family.

After a period of urgent and active preparation, the Department of Transport coordinated with Phong Minh commune to start the project (construction started on April 17), and had now been completed according to the roadmap and plan. The new house with an area of ​​about 60 m2, was designed according to the model of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee. The total cost of building the house was about 240 million VND, along with dozens of days of direct labor contributed by officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers of the provincial Transport sector.

The house was a gift and affection from all officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers in the Transport sector to Mr. Cao Van Son's family, with the hope of helping his family stabilize their life, feel secure in economic development, soon rise out of poverty, have a better life and have the conditions to take care of children's education and adulthood.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong speaks at the program.

Speaking here, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong emphasized that by 2024, Bac Giang province would strive to complete the elimination of temporary and dilapidated houses for Poor households, near-poor households and support for families of people with meritorious services having housing difficulties and degraded houses to be repaired or newly built. This was a campaign with profound humanity, besides demonstrating the spirit of great solidarity and promoting the good tradition of solidarity and love of the nation.

After more than 3 months of launching, up to now the campaign had received the close leadership and direction of the Party Committee and authorities, the active participation of the Fatherland Front, departments, sectors, and unions, and received support of many benefactors, businesses, and people in the province and outside the province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong praised the sense of responsibility, care, direction, and joint contribution of officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers of the Transport sector who joined hands and contributed to donating Mr. Cao Van Son's family a spacious house.

He congratulated Mr. Cao Van Son's family and hoped that this would be a premise for his family to rise to a better life, overcome difficulties, strive to escape poverty, and actively contribute to the local socio-economic development.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong also hoped that Luc Ngan district, the Transport sector and other departments, sectors and unions would continue to promote the campaign to have more houses given to poor and near-poor households and families of people with meritorious services. This year, Bac Giang province would strive to complete the goal of eliminating 100% of temporary and dilapidated houses for poor households, near-poor households and people with meritorious services in the province.

Bac Giang Road Joint Stock Company presents Mr. Cao Van Son's family a television.

On this occasion, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Anh Duong and Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee Tran Cong Thang presented gifts to congratulate Mr. Cao Van Son's family. Also here, units and organizations under the Department of Transport, Luc Ngan district and Phong Minh commune presented Mr. Cao Van Son's family many meaningful gifts./.