Friday, 28/06/2024,

Highlights of direction and administration documents of the Provincial People's Committee during the week (from June 2 - June 9, 2024)

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Correcting the implementation of child drowning prevention and control; promoting non-cash payments for pensioners, social insurance and unemployment benefits; focusing on implementing the Plan to implement planning for exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals, etc. are the highlights of direction and administration documents of the Provincial People's Committee during the week from June 2 - June 9, 2024.
Carry out state management of minerals according to the provisions of law.

Promote non-cash payments for pensioners, social insurance and unemployment benefits

On June 2, 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2861/UBND-KGVX on promoting non-cash payments for pensioners, social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits in the province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Provincial Social Insurance to propagate pensioners, social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits in the form of non-cash payment. Promote reform of administrative procedures, application of information technology, and standardization of information and data on pension and social insurance benefits recipients. Closely coordinate with the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Provincial Police, Bac Giang branch of State Bank, Provincial Post Office and relevant agencies and units in implementation.

Bac Giang branch of State Bank directs bank branches and credit institutions in the area to ensure infrastructure conditions, arrange networks and expand points accepting non-cash payments in places with favorable conditions to create favorable conditions for people. Direct commercial banks to coordinate with provincial social insurance agencies, provincial post offices, employment service centers, etc. to open accounts and banking services for people receiving pensions, social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits. Prioritize the implementation of exemption and reduction of fees for subjects when using non-cash payment services.

The Provincial Post Office seriously implements the promotion of payment of pensions, social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits in the form of non-cash payment. Assign post offices of districts, the district-level town and the city to propagate and mobilize beneficiaries to receive benefits through personal accounts. Coordinate with credit institutions and commercial banks in the area to access payment points to propagate and mobilize beneficiaries to open personal accounts and issue ATM cards.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town, and the city direct the social insurance agencies of districts, the district-level town, and the city to coordinate with district, the district-level town, and the city police to propagate pension recipients in the form of non-cash payment. Direct Project 06 teams of districts, the district-level town, and the city, community digital technology teams at commune and village levels to implement solutions to promote the payment of pensions, social insurance benefits and unemployment benefits in the form of non-cash payment in the area.

Focus on implementing the Plan to implement planning for exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals

On June 5, 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2916/UBND-KTN requesting departments, sectors, and People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city to focus on implementing the Prime Minister's Plan to implement planning for exploration, exploitation, processing and use of minerals in the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050 in Bac Giang province.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Department of Industry and Trade to preside over and coordinate with relevant agencies to disseminate the content of the mineral planning to organizations and individuals to participate in supervising the implementation of the planning of exploration and exploitation permits; approved mineral exploration, exploitation, processing and trading at all levels.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment presides over and coordinates with relevant agencies and units to proactively review and report to competent authorities for guidance on contents related to plans to protect, gather and store recovered yet unused minerals during the construction of investment projects according to regulations. Review, report, and coordinate with competent authorities in the process of considering and deciding on forms of restriction, ban or temporary prohibition of mineral activities for mineral areas with specific characteristics, etc.

People's Committees of districts, the district-level town and the city coordinate with relevant agencies to be responsible for plans to recover and protect mineral resources. Supervise and request investors to properly implement the plan approved by the competent authority and fulfill all financial obligations according to relevant laws if there is an impact on approved minerals. Organize and implement state management of minerals according to the provisions of law within the locality.

Propagate and prevent capital mobilization and investment activities in multi-level forms

On June 5, 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 2932/UBND-NC on propaganda and prevention of capital mobilization and investment activities in multi-level forms to fraudulently appropriate property.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Department of Information and Communications to preside over and coordinate with the Provincial Police to do a good job of propaganda for people to increase vigilance when participating in activities in the online environment, and regularly learn about methods and tricks of cybercrime and prevention measures.

Agencies, units and localities promote propaganda and dissemination to cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers and the People to be vigilant against the methods and tricks of criminals defrauding and appropriating property in cyberspace, especially activities of inviting participation in financial investment and making money in cyberspace. Not participate in illegal financial investment, capital mobilization, or multi-level marketing activities.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests Central agencies in the province, the Fatherland Front Committee and provincial socio-political organizations to continue to well coordinate in implementing propaganda and preventing high-tech crimes in general and criminals defrauding and appropriating property in cyberspace in particular.

Promote the role of the intellectual team to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development

The Provincial People's Committee issued Plan No. 34/KH-UBND to implement Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW dated November 24, 2023 of the Central Executive Committee on continuing to build and promote the role of the intelligentsia team to meet the requirements of rapid and sustainable national development in the new period.

The plan aims to thoroughly grasp and concretize the content of Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee, Plan No. 123-KH/TU of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee at all levels and sectors from the province to the grassroots, in order to create a strong change in awareness and action in building and developing a team of intellectuals to meet the development requirements of Bac Giang province in the new period. Promote the role of intellectuals in innovation, creativity, self-reliance, and desire to contribute, uphold pride, honor and responsibility towards the homeland and country, and contribute to actively participating in the socio-economic development of the province and the development of industries, fields and localities.

To achieve the above goal, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests units and localities to widely propagate the contents of Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW, Plan No. 123-KH/TU, and be properly and fully aware of the position, role, and importance of intellectuals in the cause of industrialization, modernization and international integration.

Raise the responsibility of heads of government at all levels, identify specific goals and tasks to effectively implement Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW, Plan No. 123-KH/TU accordingly with the actual conditions of each industry, field, locality, agency and unit.

Regularly urge, inspect, and periodically evaluate the results of implementing Resolution No. 45-NQ/TW, Plan No. 123-KH/TU; promptly supplement and concretize guidelines, policies, tasks and solutions to implement to meet the requirements of the practical situation.

Improve the implementation of child drowning prevention and control

On June 7, 2024, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee issued Official Dispatch No. 3000/UBND-KGVX on rectifying the implementation of child drowning accident prevention and control.

To improve the effectiveness of the implementation of child drowning prevention and control, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requests the Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to strengthen the direction of inspection and urges localities to carry out the prevention and combat of child drowning accidents; promptly propose the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to direct measures appropriate to the actual situation. Timely advise the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on written criticism and reminders to Chairpersons of the People's Committee of districts, the district-level town, and the city for injuries and drowning accidents in the area.

For localities where drowning accidents have occurred in the area from May 1, 2024 to present, urgently conduct a review of responsibilities and rectify the direction and administration. Take strict measures to handle violations of collectives and individuals.

Continue to strengthen direction and implementation of measures to prevent and control child drowning accidents in the area. Strictly implement assigned tasks in Directive No. 09/CT-UBND dated December 8, 20272, Directive No. 11/CT-UBND dated June 26, 20203, Official Dispatch No. 2398/UBND-KGVX dated May 13 /20244 of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and related documents.