Wednesday, 19/06/2024,

The economy is on a strong growth momentum

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Bac Giang province with its geographical location, climate, weather and terrain and soil conditions are favorable for the development of specialty fruit trees, short-term industrial crops, animal husbandry and economic development. the forest. Industry - handicrafts and trade are on the rise. With a high and sustainable growth rate, Bac Giang is emerging as one of the provinces with the highest economic growth index of the country.
Economic growth is comprehensive and sustainable. Photo: BGP / Nguyen An

By implementing many socio-economic development solutions, in recent years, Bac Giang has achieved many positive changes. Bac Giang's economic growth rate is always maintained at a high level compared to the national average.

Economic growth index has a strong development, next year is higher than the previous year. Specifically, the period 2001 - 2005 is 8.3% / year; in the 2006-2010 period, 9% / year; The period 2011 - 2015 is 9.5% / year. If in 2016, the province's gross domestic product growth rate (GRDP) reached 10.4%; in 2017, it reached 13.3%, by 2018 GRDP reached 16%, the highest ever, ranked 3rd and 2.3 times higher than the whole country, leading in both Midlands, Northern Mountains and Region Capital.

Economic structure shifted positively. The proportion of industry - construction accounted for 52.7%, agriculture - forestry - fishery decreased to 19.3%. The economic scale was expanded, the 2018 GRDP reached 88,260 billion VND (about 4 billion USD), 1.7 times higher than 2015. The average per capita GRDP reached 2,275 USD, equaling 87.9% of the average country.

Industry grew strongly at 27.8%; industrial production value (actual price) reached 158,570 billion VND, 2.7 times higher than that in 2015. Occupancy rate of industrial land of Dinh Tram industrial zone (IP) reached 100%; Song Khe Industrial Park - Noi Hoang reached 67.3% (the North area is 62.0%, the South is 80%); Quang Chau IP reached 52.3%; Van Trung Industrial Park reached 47.5%. The rate of industrial land filling of industrial clusters (CCNs) is 51.1%.

Over 249 new investment projects have been granted and adjusted to increase capital with a total capital of VND 2,860 billion and US $ 519.6 million; FDI attraction ranked 9th in the country in terms of number of new projects, 12th in terms of registered capital and increased. There are 1,238 newly established enterprises, ranking 18th out of 63 provinces and cities, bringing the total number of enterprises across the province to over 8,290 enterprises.
The appearance of Bac Giang changed dramatically. Photo: BGP / Nguyen An

Comprehensive agricultural development and the highest growth in the last 20 years reached 6.5%. After 05 years of implementing Directive No. 12-CT / TU on July 1, 2013, the Provincial Standing Committee has accumulated and exchanged land plots of nearly 17,000 hectares. The whole province has formed 163 sample fields, increased 49 fields and 71 models of high-tech agricultural applications, increased 50 models compared to 2017. Production value / 1 ha of agricultural land reached 103.5 million copper, higher than the national average. Maintaining the total pig herd of over 1.1 million heads ranked 3rd, the chicken herd of 15.5 million ranked the fourth in the whole country. Planted 8,000 ha of concentrated forest, exceeding 60% of the plan. New rural construction achieved important results, ranking No. 2/15 Northern mountainous provinces; 21 communes have been added to the new rural target, bringing the total number of communes to the whole province to 89, reaching 43.8% (exceeding the target of 35-40% by 2020), Viet Yen district has reached the agricultural standard new village.

Services grew by 6.5% and continued to grow in a variety of ways. Export value reached 7.53 billion USD, up 21%; credit outstanding reached 46,165 billion VND, up 19%; tourists reached over 1.5 million, up 25.5% compared to 2017. Budget revenue reached VND 9,507 billion, exceeding 49.3% of the estimate; in which domestic revenue reached 8,597 billion, 69.6% higher than the estimate./.